Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I leave at 2:16 today. Here is a bit of hope from the fabulous people at Rough Guides travel books: "Angers and Around: ANGERS, capital of the ancient county of Anjou, is an oddly depressing place. Although undoubtedly majestic, dominated by its monolithic château, the town seems a less welcoming and friendly destination than many others around it. The main reason for coming here is to see its two stunning tapestry series, the fourteenth-century Apocalypse and the twentieth-century Le Chant du Monde." (488)

As exciting as that makes Angers seem, I'm not really worried. I'm sure for a site-happy tourist Angers may fail to deliver, but I'm not there to see the sites. Other people have said it's a fun little city, and as long as there are nice people, I will be fine. Plus, what could be bad about apocalyptic tapestries.

I wish everyone the best of luck in the coming year; of course, with the internet it's hard not to stay in touch, so I'm sure I'll be in nearly constant touch with anyone and everyone. But for now, aurevoir!

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